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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Java Samples - Tutorials, articles and code samples

Java Samples - Tutorials, articles and code samples

Link to Programming Tutorials, articles, and code samples

Update contents of a file within a jar file

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 09:00 AM PDT

Recently there was a change of IPs in my servers. Therefore some of the applications stopped working. For example, there was an application that was running as an executable jar file. The access to other resources from that application was using IP Addresses and there was a config file named bcconfig.xml that had all the IP addresses of various resources the application needs to access.

smskannel SMS gateway run in background

Posted: 23 Apr 2015 09:00 AM PDT

To make the smskannel run in the background you need to run the following two commands.


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